Thursday, August 26, 2010

Home at Last!

Walking out of the airport last evening, the heat hit me square in the face. It literally takes one's breath away. I had sweat on my brow before I reached the car which was parked on the first row!

Of course, the big moment of the night was seeing my baby dog again....or rather her seeing me. It took a few moments for her to realize I was in the house. John walked ahead of me and called for her (she is usually at the door by the time we open it but she was snoozing in Shirley's room). She came out, tail wagging, tongue hanging out, officially greeting John. He had to keep pointing in my direction for her to realize I was in the room. OH BOY when she saw me......she came running and jumping. She started crying, which always rips my heart out. She literally cries out with tears of joy. Then, she started having one of her running fits. This is when she runs from room to room as hard as she can cutting doughnuts in the room. She is hilarious when she does this. She kept running up to Shirley saying "My mommy is mommy is home." She was so excited she couldn't sleep last night. She woke me up three times during the night to go potty. Just like a little child excited the night before Christmas. Today she has been more relaxed and laying around. This morning she would close her eyes. She kept opening them every few minutes to make sure I was there. So this afternoon she fell into an exhausted sleep on the sofa in the office while I worked on the computer. I just had to stay in one spot long enough for her to feel settled so she could take a nap.

It has been a quiet day. I've unpacked completely. Shirley has washed and ironed all day and stopped to chat frequently catching me up on all the local gossip with her maid and taxi friends. She had to tell me more about Graziella's summer at home with her.

I've been hearing the call to prayer today and it is a reminder that I am home. I am home surrounded by my hubby and doggie so all is right in Connie's world today. What a special life I lead!


  1. So happy for you!!to be home at last! as well as to read your blog ....As well as a very talented photographer, YOU write very well,too... STAY the COURSE, young lady.....PS
    Is Graziella a poodle or maybe like 'our' Rosie a YorkiePoo, who has 'running fits',too, when my grandson Aaron comes to see HER, not me!?
